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You’ve launched a paid media campaign, and now your institution wants to know it’s ROI. You’re pretty sure your campaign is working, but there’s one problem: you don’t have the data to back it up.

It’s not your fault — most higher ed websites just aren’t suited for paid media initiatives. We often see paid campaigns driving to a website or landing page, only for prospects to be pushed to a lead form that lives on a different domain. Typically, those systems don’t talk to each other. That means you can’t track whether your campaign is influencing prospects to apply or request more information.

But tracking ROI on your paid media campaigns is possible! You just need an all-in-one lead generation solution that includes a microsite, performance marketing dashboard and automated lead delivery.

Streamline your lead generation with our digital enrollment solution

Think of a lead generation microsite as a digital bullseye with one aim — to drive leads. Paid media drives directly to the microsite, where prospects are encouraged to take action: apply for a program, fill out a request for information (RFI) form, etc.

Once a prospect submits their information, we’re able to attach a tracking label to their record. We can then follow the prospect’s journey from application through enrollment and deposit via our dashboard.

Here are just a few benefits of setting up a comprehensive microsite solution for your paid media.

Get more out of your budget

Microsites streamline leads and bring down cost-per-lead to help your budget go farther. Putting the same tracking features on your entire site is a much bigger, more expensive job — and there’s a chance your CMS isn’t set up to support this kind of tracking. Microsites help you focus your budget on your top priorities.

We recently set up a microsite for a client that focused on driving prospects to fill out an RFI form. Our microsite outperformed their website’s click to RFI rates by 1401%. And it did this at a significant cost savings — their cost-per-lead dropped by 65%.

Design for the right audience

Your primary college website caters to a variety of audiences beyond prospective students — current students, alumni, faculty, and the community. Complex navigation and mixed messaging for multiple audiences can make it difficult for students to find an RFI. But our microsites are designed to eliminate that gridlock and put your targeted audience in the fast lane toward efficient lead generation.

A/B test more easily

Microsites let you A/B test with more agility. Want to try some new messaging or see if a different header image is more effective? While changing your website homepage may take many rounds of approvals and is yet another task added to your ever-growing to-do list, we can make changes to your microsite much more quickly and easily. You can review the results through the dashboard to get a better sense of what works with prospects, and then apply those lessons to your microsite design.

Set up and activation is simple

Setting up a microsite is easy. We work with you to understand what pages or programs you want to promote. We’ll design pages that meet your brand standards, send them to you for approval, connect to our reporting dashboards, and then you’re ready to activate!

Our microsites prioritize speed to market. They’re turnkey and can be up and running in as little as two weeks. Need more customization? We can work with you to make sure the microsite has everything you need to make your campaign a success.

Access data on demand

Once the microsite is up and running, paid media becomes one less thing for you to worry about. Paskill’s microsites come with a performance marketing dashboard that shows you how many leads are generated daily. You can break the leads down by program, platform, geography and more. Plus, you can set it up so the leads are automatically delivered to you and your team through your CRM or as a downloadable file on our secure server.

This data transparency makes it easy for you to immediately get the information you need to make smart decisions about your marketing.

Ready to build your lead gen microsite? Contact us today to get started.

About the Author

One Roberts Avenue
Glenside, PA 19038

[email protected]

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