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Without question your website is your brand at work. Your style, your values, your ease of use speaks volumes about your institution within seconds. Your higher ed website delivers first impressions and university/college messaging for a range of audiences: most importantly, your prospects.

Paskill’s experts will uncover the needs of your users and determine your site’s strengths and weaknesses, from the big stuff to the little stuff and everything in between

updating website on laptop

Informing a prioritized list of action items

Our holistic site audit informs new web builds and large-scale site enhancements.

Our website assessment starts with an inventory of the digital content and associated analytics within a website or digital ecosystem. We pair this inventory with data from a variety of paid tools, plus a manual review of content, UX/UI design, SEO, accessibility, and technical setup. From this analysis, we gather trends and use them to inform a prioritized list of action items to improve your college or university website.

The holistic website audit includes a high-level analysis of:

  • User flows
  • Information architecture
  • Page performance
  • Organic search rankings
  • Page load speeds
  • Accessibility
  • Technical setup

Schedule your free half-hour consultation

Discover what’s needed to evolve your website.

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    One Roberts Avenue
    Glenside, PA 19038

    [email protected]

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