Why Building a Better Brand is an Inside Job

We not only identify brand messages, but enhance campus cultures where living the brand is a team effort.

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The Physics Lesson Every Student Recruiter Should Know

Converting the student who is active and engaging with your college is more likely than the one who is not actively engaged.

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Illustrated Campus Maps Offer Pathways to Student Engagement

It’s not just where the library or gym can be found on campus, but what kinds of meaningful experiences evolve from those spaces.

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The Close – It’s Not What It Used To Be

Redefining "the close" as achieving a next step versus the “ultimate close” of securing a deposit.

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Why We Support Small Colleges

Paskill’s high-touch personal approach to higher education enrollment marketing works especially well with smaller schools.

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Storytelling: Bring the Voices of Your Institution to Life

For admissions representatives, the goal of storytelling is to help prospective students imagine themselves at your institution.

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Everybody Wins When Students Are Respected Customers

Graduating each student is one thing, but a satisfied graduate builds up positive experiences, outcomes, and your brand.

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Five Questions to Consider When Prioritizing Staff Time

There is a limited amount of time for outreach to students and families, and admissions staff wants to know: who should I be recruiting?

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Build Your Case for Value in Five Easy Steps

Learn how recruiters can start to change conversations with prospects on cost to the benefits of value.

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Brand Spot for United States Coast Guard Academy Deemed ‘Best in Show’

Reconstructing the USCGA brand as a first-class military institution has been a Paskill focus.

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